Our Passion for Trees

Arboricureuil Inc.





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Our Passion for Trees

Arboricureuil Inc.





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The emerald ash borer in Montreal and its impacts in urban areas

The emerald ash borer ravages thousands of trees in Montreal. If you have a healthy ash tree, you should have it treated for the emerald ash borer every 2 years. If it is unfortunately wasting away, you will have to cut it down. Fortunately, financial assistance is available for the treatment or felling of ash trees on the City of Montreal’s territory. 

What is the emerald ash borer? 

The emerald ash borer is an insect of Asian origin that attacks all types of ash trees. Its larvae feed on the cambium under the tree’s bark, which prevents the flow of sap. 

The emerald ash borer has no known predator in Canada effective enough to limit its spread, making it particularly damaging. Indeed, once established in a region, it can destroy 99% of ash trees between 8 and 10 years old. Millions of trees are therefore felled each year due to this disease. 

Is this disease very widespread?

Experts believe the emerald ash borer entered North America through wood packaging in the early 1990s. It was first detected in 2002, near Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario. Since then, it has spread to 30 American states and 5 Canadian provinces, including Quebec. 

Can we get rid of the emerald ash borer? 

Generally, when we notice an ash tree has been infested by the borer, it’s because it has already been infested for at least a year. In this case, the only solution is to cut it down. 

Fortunately, there is a preventive treatment when the infestation is early or if the tree has not yet been infected. This should be administered every 2 years for about 15 years to prevent the insects from returning. 

What if an ash tree is on my private property? 

The regulation regarding the fight against the spread of the emerald ash borer obliges all owners of private ash trees to have their tree treated every 2 years. The cost of this treatment depends on the tree’s size. It can cost $200 for a small tree. For larger trees, it can cost more, up to $1,000. However, you can benefit from free treatment thanks to the City of Montreal subsidy. 

If your tree is wasting away, you will have to cut it down. However, the City offers a subsidy of $5 per trunk diameter to have your ash tree felled. To benefit from it, however, you must replace your felled ash. 

About Arboricureuil 

For over 10 years, Arboricureuil specializes in trimming and pruning in Montreal. If you need to have your tree cut down for safety reasons, we also offer an emergency tree felling service in Montreal available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

If you need to get your tree felled, chat with us now. We will be happy to answer all of your questions.